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Ritter Sport Jogurt Čokolada

     Šta Ritter kaže o ovoj čokoladi? 1971. godine, Ritter Sport je započeo revoluciju koja je obeležila 70.-e godine sa prvom svetskom čokoladom napravljenom od jogurta. Danas je ova kombinacija dostigla kultni status.   Šta ja kažem o Ritter Sport Jogurt čokoladi? Još jedno vrelo leto je pred nama. Ukoliko tražite poslasticu koja će vas istovremeno… (weiterlesen)

Nikola Tesla je Srbin – šokantna istina je otkrivena

(Youtube Video na kraju) Dugo vremena traje spor između Hrvata i Srba, kome Nikola Tesla zapravo pripada?  Zahvaljujući novim dokazima, ovo pitanje ćemo rešiti jednom zauvek! Zbog toga smo pronašli PRAVO mesto rođenja Nikole Tesle. Nikola Tesla nije rođen u Smiljanu kako mnogi veruju, već 700 kilometara dalje u srpskoj regiji Aračlijski Potok na Đurđevu Brdu. Poslali… (weiterlesen)

Anonymous FAPPiT Team
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Nikola Tesla ist Serbian – the shocking trought revealed

(Youtube Video at the end) For a long time, a dispute between Croats and Serbs was seethed: which origin Nikola Tesla actually has? Thanks to new evidence, we will settle this old question once and for all! Because we have found the REAL birthplace of Nikola Tesla. Nikola Tesla was not born as many believe… (weiterlesen)

Anonymous FAPPiT Team
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Nikola Tesla ist Serbe – die schockierende Enthüllung

(Youtube Video am Ende) Seit langem brodelt ein Streit zwischen Kroaten und Serben, welche Herkunft Nikola Tesla tatsächlich hat. Dank neuer Beweise, werden wir  diese alten Frage ein für alle Mal klären! Denn wir haben das ECHTE Geburtshaus von Nikola Tesla gefunden. Nikola Tesla wurde nicht wie viele zu Unrecht glauben in Smiljan geboren,  sondern… (weiterlesen)

Anonymous FAPPiT Team

FAPPiT UP – Eucerin Hyaluron-Filler Daily Care for dry skinn

In the picture you can see the Eucerin advertising package that includes the bestselling Eucerin products in recent years. For me, DermateCLEAN is the best product, followed by hyaluron filler and then the day cream. I would definitely recommend all three products and I will buy from myself again. In the next three articles I… (weiterlesen)