Earlier, in the one of previous blogs I wrote about eyebrow shaping, and about the product which I used and which I was very pleased with. It was the Revolution Pro Eyebrow pomade. However, lately my attention took NYX Tame & Frame pomade. Though I wasn’t lover of the NYX cosmetics, I… (weiterlesen)
Today I am writting about the product which I really wanted to try since it appeard in the Serbia. I am talking about Maybelline Master Contour V-Shape Duo Stick. Idea to get contour and highlighter in the one product seemed perfect to me. But, I must say that I’m not completely satisfied how the… (weiterlesen)
The summer has already arrived, but a lot of women have the same problem, how to keep smooth and care legs. I tried all types of waxing, but during the summer I am constrained to use the oldest type, and it is shawing the legs with the classic razor. My confidence goes to… (weiterlesen)
FAPPiT: FAPPiT DOWN Unternehmen: Acrato Stadt: Vakuuimiergerät Adresse: Bei Amazon Grad: Sehr Grund: Produkt Kommentar: „Habe das Lebensmittel Vakuumiergerät von Acrato gekauft, da ich bei 25,99 bei Amazon dachte super. Dass kann man mal versuchen. https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B07C5QP9JY/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Vor allem da es bei Amzaon so viele positive Bewertungen gab. Leider hat das Gerät bei mir nicht gut… (weiterlesen)
Leto je već uveliko stiglo, a ono što muči mnoge žene jeste kako tokom leta održati glatke i negovane noge. Imala sam priliku da isprobam sve metode depilacije, ali tokom leta prinuđena sam da posegnem za najstarijom metodom, a to je brijanje nogu klasičnim brijačem. Najviše poverenja imam u Gillete brijače, sa njima jednostavno… (weiterlesen)